Managing Director’s Statement

Since its Despite fierce competition in the market, the Group had a very satisfactory year. We experienced an increase in total turnover of more than %20, as well as a rise in profit before tax of %11. We successfully launched various new portfolios and business units during the year. All were developed in line with our corporate philosophy of providing prompt and reliable service that is tailored exactly to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. As our customers strive to succeed in their increasingly competitive respective markets, so we must continually upgrade our support to them. It is a challenge that we are meeting effectively, and we will continue to meet by maintaining the closest and most proactive working relationships with them. The entity in South Sudan has now come fully online, thus significantly boosting our work capacity and range, while utilizing world-class technology to achieve the highest quality standards. In this way, we will be able to keep pace with demand, which is set to grow as more and more companies establish operations in the Republic of South Sudan.

To match the competitive edge provided by this advanced technology, we are also maintaining the momentum of our ongoing campaign to enhance our management processes and the skills of our workforce. The existing Management Information System (MIS) is being enhanced with a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that will streamline and speed up the transmission of data so that we become even more responsive to the business environment and the needs of our customers. The ingenuity and skills of every member of our strong workforce are being brought into full play through a Total Quality Management (TQM) Scheme and Quality Improvement Golden Planet Company that collect and implement their ideas and suggestions. Due to these strong efforts made by our management and frontline workers, we have been honored with various forms of recognition for the overall operation and management of the Golden Planet Company including the Federation of South Sudan’s quality logo. As the following pages will testify, we have met and overcome the competitive challenges to build firm foundations, on which our business is set to grow and prosper in the months ahead. This has been due to the success of all our people in developing a pace that meets our customers’ most stringent quality standards. On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the support of our customers, suppliers, and shareholders. Thanks also to my fellow Directors for their valuable contribution and to the staff members of the Group for their commitment and dedicated services throughout the year.